Monday, December 8, 2014

Another Road Trip

Wet, wet, wet...that was this weekend so Tex had a few days off.  I was finally able to get back on tonight thanks to Elaine Cornell and the awesome indoor at her Benediction Farms.
We are working on basic transitions. Tex has an awesome walk, awesome trot, and awesome canter. but the in-betweens are a little rough. so we do lots of transitions and lots of praise. Tex is so laid back! This was a totally new place for him and all he did was look around, and then was prepared to go right to work when it was time. I can't wait to do even more with him!

Tex and Sodalis talking through the wall



  1. I am so glad you are getting him out ad about. It means a lot when rehoming him later. Great job Cassie.

  2. Thanks Pam, It does help that he is so willing to go new places and relax quickly. He was amazing at Elaine's, even with another horse there.
